The Timesheet View page is where you can view all the time entries for a timesheet on the same screen. This makes it easy to see and review how many hours were entered each day, which Projects you logged time to, and the total number of hours for the timesheet period.
Timesheet View, Settings, and Printing
Submitting (and Un-Submitting) Your Timesheet
Timesheet View, Settings, and Printing
Click Here for instructions on how to Print Your Timesheet
The top of the page will display your name. By default, it will also display the Employment Type and Division you are in. If your organization is not using Divisions, the field will instead say "No Division Specified".
If you are set with an Incomplete Time Entry rule (more details here) the system will also show the number of hours per day or week you are expected to enter in order for the timesheet to be considered "complete". If your organization is using the Timesheet Approvals Module it will also display the name of your Timesheet Approver.
To the right of this information (and center of the page) you will see the time period for the timesheet you are currently viewing. You can use the arrows to skip to the next or previous timesheet, as well as use the calendar icon to skip to a specific timesheet.
Selecting the 'History' field at the top gives you the option to view the timesheet history, which includes details on when the timesheet was submitted and/or rejected.
The grid-like portion of the Timesheet View page contains the Clients you have logged time to (for that week), and the number of hours entered for those Clients on each day. The total hours for the timesheet will be at the bottom right of the page.
Click the Client arrows to expand and show the different Projects associated with each Client. Click the Project arrows to expand and show the Task associated with each Client/Project. You'll notice the time entry hours align with the object you've expanded to show. Clicking the arrows again will collapse the view.
You can also use the "Expand All" or "Collapse All" button at the top to expand or collapse everything on the page.
In situations where you have made notes on a time entry, you will see letters (A, B, C..) on the timesheet grid. These letters correspond to the ones found in the section underneath the timesheet. If you do not see this section of the page, hover your mouse over the bottom of the page, click, and drag up to display these details.
You can use the "search" field to find specific text in the page you are looking for.
Clicking the box with the date will take you directly to the Day View page for that day:
Further customization can be made to your View using the "Options" button:
This will allow you to hide or show Person Details (information on the Division, Employment Type, Incomplete Time Entry rule, and Default Approver), show or hide the Client name, as well as to show or hide the Task name in the page. You can also choose whether or not you want notes, custom fields, and start/end times in the printed report.
If you'd like to print the page, or save your timesheet in PDF format, use the "Print" option at the top-right.
Your browser will then display (or prompt you to download) your timesheet formatted as a PDF file. Please note the notes and start/end times fields will be printed on a separate page.
One additional benefit of printing your timesheet is that the information regarding submission and approval will show up at the bottom of the page. This will confirm when the timesheet was submitted, as well as when it was approved and by whom.
The next section will cover submitting (and undoing submission of) your timesheet.
Submitting (and Un-Submitting) Your Timesheet
In addition to viewing your time entries for the whole timesheet period, the Timesheet View page will also accommodate the submission of a timesheet. In order to submit, your organization will need to be using our optional Timesheet Approvals Module, and you must be set up with a default Timesheet Approver. You can confirm your Timesheet Approver underneath your name. ClickTime will also check to see if you are prevented from submitting timesheets that are considered "incomplete".
More information on setting up Approvals can be found in the Timesheet Approvals guide here.
When you're ready to submit, click the "Submit" button, which will display a pop-up message. In the pop-up, you can enter notes that you'd like to be sent to your Timesheet Approver (the "Notes" field is limited to 2000 characters). In addition to your Approver, you can "cc" other members of your team if you'd like them to receive the notification as well. There is also the option to opt-in (or opt-out) of being informed when the timesheet is "approved" (you will always receive a message when your timesheet is "rejected").
After submitting, the status of the Timesheet will change to "Waiting".
If you realize there are changes you'd like to make before the Timesheet Approver has a chance to review, you can click "Undo Submission" to return the timesheet to an "Open" state. You can then make the edits you need and submit again.
Please note: The "Undo Submission" option will only appear if the timesheet is still in a "Waiting for Approval" status - once a timesheet has been "Approved" you will not be able to "Undo Submission".
Please note: An Administrator or Manager with override permissions will be able to edit timesheets that are "Waiting for Approval" in Override mode. The end-user will not be able to edit "waiting" timesheets.
You may also see a "More timesheets" link on the right side of the page:
Clicking on 'More Timesheets' will take you to the My Reports > Horizontal Timesheet page. By running a Horizontal Timesheet report, you can easily determine which Projects and Tasks were completed during a specific time period and on which days.
More information on the Horizontal Timesheet Report can be found here.
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