ClickTime offers a range of Time Off features to help you manage employee leave. Every ClickTime account can set up Leave Types, manually adjust current balances, track Time Off, and more. This guide will walk you through the Time Off features available to all ClickTime accounts. You can learn more about the automated Time Off Accruals features here, and the Time Off Request and Approvals workflow here. For a trial of the Time Off Management Module, please contact ClickTime Support.
Adding and Editing Leave Types
Default Settings for New Employees
Leave Type Availability
Modifying Time Off Balances
Tracking Time Off in the Timesheet
Time Off Reports
Other Options and Features
Adding and Editing Leave Types
By default, every ClickTime account includes five Leave Types: Comp Time, Company Holiday, Personal Time, Sick Leave, and Vacation. Of these, Company Holiday, Sick Leave, and Vacation are active and available immediately, while Comp Time and Personal Time need to be activated before employees can log time to them.
You can add or edit available Leave Type options by navigating to the Company → Preferences → Leave Types page.
To Add a new Leave Type, click "Add Leave Type" to create a new type of Leave:
To Edit an existing Leave Type, click the "Edit" pencil icon for the appropriate Leave Type:
Organizations using our Time Off and Accruals Module will see additional columns that indicate whether this Leave Type Requires Approval or Not, as well as whether the Balance is displayed on the Time Entry pages.
For more details on Adding/Editing Leave Types, please see the Leave Types Guide here. For more details on the additional Time Off Request and Approvals feature, please see the Managing Time Off Request and Approvals Guide here.
Default Settings for New Employees
Each Leave Type has a "Person Defaults" section where you can set default settings for any new employees added to the system. To modify these settings, click the "Edit Section" button.
All Organizations can specify the "Starting Balance" for a new employee:
Organizations using the Time Off Accruals Module will also see options to specify the "Accrual Rate" and "Maximum Accrual":
These default settings will apply to new employees and can be edited during the creation of a new employee, or at any time afterward.
For more details on adding new employees, please see the Create a New ClickTime User guide here.
By default, all Leave Types will be available to every employee. If you want to limit which Leave Types someone can use, this can be done by turning Leave Type List Controls on from the Company --> Preferences page (please see here for more details on the Company Preferences page):
This option allows you to customize available Leave Types based on an employee's Employment Type. The Employment Type field can be found on the Person Details page for each employee.
If you turn Leave Type Controls "On", all Leave Types will be unavailable to any Employment Types by default. You can adjust this by either modifying the Leave Type or the Employment Type.
Let’s start with Leave Type adjustments: First, navigate to the Leave Type List View page via Company → Preferences.
Then click the "edit" pencil icon for the Leave Type.
You’ll see a tab for Leave Type Availability. Click "Edit Section" to modify which Employment Types have access to this Leave Type.
Check the appropriate boxes and then "Update".
Only employees in that Employment Type will have access to that Leave Type.
To determine what Leave Type should be available by Employment Type, go to the Company --> People page and then click "Employment Types":
Then click the "edit" pencil icon for the Employment Type.
Go to the Leave Type Availability tab and click "Edit Section":
Now check the boxes for the Leave Types you'd like this Employment Type to use and click "Update" to save the changes.
Only those Leave Types will be available to the people in that Employment Type.
Administrators (and Managers with the ability to Add/Edit People) will be able to make changes to an employee's Time Off Balance at any time. First, go to the Company --> People page and choose the employee.
Then, scroll to the "Time Off Balance and Accruals" section of their Person Details page. You can view the current balance of each Leave Type. Organizations using the Time Off Accruals Module will also see the monthly accrual rate and whether Approval is Required.
Organizations with Leave Type List Controls on will by default only see the Leave Types that are available to that employee. You can toggle between "All" and only the "Available" Leave Types:
To edit the Balance (or Accrual Rate), click the "Edit" pencil icon for the appropriate Leave Type:
This will take you to the Time Off Balance Detail page. You will see the current number of available hours and a table with a record of every change to the balance that has been made. If you are using Time Off Accruals you will see the Accrual Rate to the right:
The table will indicate what day the balance was modified, what action was taken, notes about the modification, how many hours were earned or used, as well as the balance after the modification:
To change the balance manually, click the "Modify Balance" at the top of the table:
Next, choose how you want to modify the balance. You can Add, Subtract, or Set Hours, apply the change to a specific date (this is supported for the current day, as well as any day in the past or future), the number of hours, and any notes you wish to include:
If you Add hours, that will update the balance as of the day you choose.
If you Subtract hours, that will also update the balance of the day you choose.
The Set hours option works a little differently, in that it will set the balance to whatever is specified. Choosing to Set will ignore the balance and any modifications that were made prior to the Set Date. Only changes made to the balance after the Set Date will be included in the current balance. ClickTime offers a method to "set" several employee's Time Off Balance to the same thing in bulk, which is covered in this help article.
Click "Update Table" to modify the balance:
Your edits will be reflected:
Notes that were added with the modification can be viewed by clicking on the paper icon:
Any modifications you have made can also be deleted using the trashcan icon:
You can choose to show or hide those deleted items in the table, but they will not show up in reports:
Modifications that were created by a time entry, cannot be deleted from this page. To remove a modification that was created via time entry, you (or the employee) will need to go to the timesheet and delete the time entry.
Modifications from accruals cannot be deleted. If for some reason you need to offset an automated accrual, you will then want to Subtract the appropriate number of hours.
Please be aware that ClickTime supports negative balances. If you do not wish for employees to go into negative balances you will want to use our Time Off Request and Approvals feature and make Approval Required for that Leave Type (more details here).
When adding a new employee, you will be allowed to set the starting balance as a negative number:
If you need to set up an existing employee with a negative balance this is also possible and has a max limit of -1000.
For assistance modifying the Accrual Model, please see the Time Off Accruals guide here.
Tracking Time Off in the Timesheet
Leave Types that do not require Approval can be entered on the Day View or Week View time entry pages in the "Time Off" section of the page:
Simply choose the Leave Type from the drop-down menu, enter the number of hours (and any comments), and then Save. The hours will be deducted from the balance after saving.
Leave Types that are set to require Approval will not display in the drop-down menu. Employees will need to use the Time Off Request feature to request this Time Off (more details here). Once they are approved, the time entry will display on the time entry pages as a "locked" time entry.
Hours will not be deducted from the balance until they have been Approved.
ClickTime offers two different Time Off Reports which are available in the "People" section of the Company --> Reports page. Both will generate Excel files.
The Time Off and Accrual Detail report can be run for a specific period of time, for certain Leave Types, and specific employees. The file will display the balance at the beginning of the time period, any modifications to the balance, and the balance at the end of the time period.
The Time Off and Accrual Summary report can be run for certain Leave Types and specific employees. This report will show the current available hours for each employee.
These same reports are available in display-only format to each user from the My Reports page. Please see this guide for more information on the Personal versions of these reports.
In addition to Basic Time Off options, ClickTime also supports several advanced options:
- Automated Accruals (on a monthly basis) are supported in our Time Off Management Module (more details here)
- The Time Off Management Module also includes an option to display a widget to your end-users letting them know the number of hours they currently have available for a Leave Type (more details here)
- The Time Off Management Module also includes a Request / Approval process (more details here)
- ClickTime can also be set up to track Overtime features for organizations using our Timesheet Approvals Module with a weekly or bi-weekly timesheet model (more details here). Organizations can then manually apply any earned Compensatory Time if necessary.
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