The "Update Leave Type Balances" feature allows you to modify the leave balances of multiple employees simultaneously.
There are three different methods to change the balance:
These features all work the same as if you were to add/subtract/set from the Leave Type Balance History page for an individual, but can be done for multiple employees at once.
After loading the Update Leave Type Balance page, you will be asked to first select the Leave Type you wish to modify, and then the people whose balances you wish to update:
Please note that inactive Leave Types will be displayed, but will be grayed-out to indicate they are not active
You can choose to select "All People" (regardless if they are active or inactive), "Active People" (all active users for your account), or "Specific People".
If you choose "Specific People, you'll then be able to choose those employees individually. Organizations that have access to Divisions will also be able to select everyone in a specific Division (more details about Divisions can be found here).
Read on to learn more about each of the three different options.
The "Add" option can be used to add a specific number of hours to multiple employees' balances. This can be helpful if a policy changes or you realize that hours were not added correctly in the past and need to adjust balances.
In this example, we're going to give one of our Divisions an extra day of vacation. We'll use the "add" option to add 8 hours of Vacation to their balance.
After selecting the Leave Type and the people, choose "add":
Then indicate how many hours should be added The date field cannot be selected as the system will simply deduct the hours as of today. We recommend entering an (optional) note to explain the change - this will be visible to employees who run the Detail report to check their balance history. Then click Next.
The next page will display your changes and the employees who will be affected. Click "Finish" to apply the change:
You'll see a confirmation window pop-up indicating that the change cannot be undone but you can make individual adjustments as needed. Click Continue and you'll see the word "Done" appear quickly. You will then be returned to the Company --> Advanced page.
If you'd like to confirm the change, you can see the update from the employee's Balance History page. If needed, you can delete the modification using the trashcan icon.
The "Subtract" option can be used to remove a specific number of hours from multiple employees' balances. This can be used if a policy changes or it is discovered that hours were added incorrectly to balances in the past.
In this example, we've learned that Vacation was applied incorrectly, resulting in an extra day of vacation for all employees. We'll use the "subtract" option to remove 8 hours of Vacation from each person's balance.
After selecting the Leave Type and the people, choose "subtract".
Then indicate how many hours need to be removed. The date field cannot be selected as the system will simply deduct the hours as of today. We recommend entering an (optional) note to explain the change - this will be visible to employees who run the Detail report to check their balance history. Then click Next.
The next page will display your changes and the employees who will be affected. Click "Finish" to apply the change:
You'll see a confirmation window pop-up indicating that the change cannot be undone but you can make individual adjustments as needed. Click Continue and you'll see the word "Done" appear quickly. You will then be returned to the Company --> Advanced page.
If you'd like to confirm the change, you can see the update from the employee's Balance History page. If needed, you can delete the modification using the trashcan icon.
This option will allow you to set the balance to a certain number as of a specific date. Please note that this is not the same as "adding" or "subtracting" hours from the balance. The "Set To" option means that the system will set the balance to the number of hours you indicate, which will ignore any previous balance modifications. This is most often used for situations where employees get a lump sum of hours that they are expected to use within that time period.
In this example, all employees get 16 hours of Personal Time as of July 1st to be used in the second half of the year. We've selected PTO from the drop-down menu and then all "Active" employees.
Next we'll choose "Set To":
Indicate what the balance should be and as of which day. You can also add a Note just like you would if you were doing this on the Leave Type Balance Detail page. Then click "Next":
The next page will ask you to review and confirm the bulk changes. Click "Finish":
You'll see a pop-up confirming that you want to continue, as the Bulk Changes cannot be undone (although you can always edit changes for the employee later).. Click "Continue" to process the change.
This update will now process and a "Done!" box will quickly flash to inform you the update was applied.
You can confirm the updates were successful using any of our Time Off reports, or by going to the Leave Type Balance Detail page for any of the employees you have updated:
If needed, you can delete the change here by clicking the "trashcan" icon.
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