The Expenses module enables your organization to track, submit, and approve expenses for all your projects. This guide covers how to use the Expenses Module in ClickTime's web application. For instructions on tracking expenses via the mobile application, please refer to this guide.
Creating Expense Sheets
Creating and Attaching Expense Items
Submitting for Approval
Unsubmit an Expense Sheet
Editing an Existing Expense Sheet or Expense Item
Expense Entry Training Video
To create an Expense Sheet, first go to the My Expenses tab. If you are a Manager or Administrator with additional tabs, navigate to Personal > My Expenses.
Click on "+ New Expense Sheet" in the upper right corner to get started.
This will bring you to the "Create New Expense Sheet" page. Think of an Expense Sheet as a "folder" that neatly organizes all your Expense Items, which are the individual expenses you've incurred. It's a handy way to keep everything together and ensure your expenses are well-documented and easily accessible.
The Expense Sheet Title (e.g., "June Expenses") and the Expense Sheet Date (autofilled to the current date) are required fields and must be completed before saving. Additionally, you have the option to include a Tracking ID and a Description of the Expense Sheet if applicable and necessary.
Once you have filled out all the fields, click "Save." Upon saving, you'll see an "Expense sheet successfully created" message, and a New Expense Item panel will open from the right side of the screen. This allows you to start adding your individual expense items right away.
Creating and Attaching Expense Items
If you do not add individual expense items right away, you can always access the New Expense Item panel from the My Expenses main page. All your Expense Sheets and Items can be viewed from this page. To see the Expense Items within an Expense Sheet, simply click on the Expense Sheet row to expand it. You can also click the "+" icon to reopen the New Expense Item panel at any time.
When adding an Expense Item, there are several required fields you must complete before saving. One of these fields is the 'Expense Type,' which offers a variety of options to choose from.
Please note, if you select "Mileage" from the Expense Type drop-down, two new required fields will appear: Rate and Mileage. The Rate field will be pre-filled based on the mileage rate set by your ClickTime Administrator. Once you've entered the Mileage, the Amount will be automatically calculated based on the pre-filled Rate, ensuring accuracy without the need for manual edits.
For all other expense types, you can manually enter the Amount.
For expenses incurred in a foreign currency, you can select the local currency, and ClickTime will automatically convert the amount into your preferred currency.
The last required field is 'Payment,' which, like 'Expense Type,' offers a variety of options to choose from.
The Receipt, Description, and Comment fields are optional in ClickTime but could be required based on your organization's policies. We recommend checking with a supervisor or ClickTime Administrator to confirm if these optional fields are necessary to complete.
Next, you can assign this Expense Item to a specific Project and bill it to the Project, if applicable. You will only be able to assign an Expense Item to a Project or Client you have access to. Additionally, you can decide whether the cost for this Expense should be passed on to the Client and included in your invoices, making the process smooth and transparent.
You can easily upload an image of the receipt for the Expense Item by clicking on "Select files..." or by dropping a receipt in the grey receipts section. Once you've uploaded a receipt, you can view or delete it as needed. The maximum size for a receipt is 2MB, and supported file formats include PNG, BMP, JPG, GIF, and PDF.
Please note: When uploading a receipt in PDF format, any data added using the "markup" function in Adobe will not be included. Our system is not designed to display text or notes added through "markup" – we apologize for any inconvenience.
Once you have filled in all the Expense Item information, you have a few options. Click "Save and Add Next" if you have more expense items to add, "Save" if you are done entering expense items, or "Cancel" if you wish to cancel.
Clicking "Save and Add Next" will bring you to a new, blank pane, allowing you to add another expense item. The items you have already saved will appear in a list below the expense sheet.
Clicking "Save" will take you back to the My Expenses page, where you can see the list of Expense Items in that Expense Sheet.
Additionally, clicking "Cancel" will also take you back to the Expense Sheet, where you can see the list of saved Expense Items in that Expense Sheet.
If your organization is using the Expenses Module in ClickTime, you may need to submit expenses for review and approval. To confirm if you have this ability, look for a button labeled "Submit and Approve" in the upper right corner of the page displaying your Expense Sheet. If you do not see this button, please reach out to a supervisor or ClickTime Administrator to ensure you are assigned an Expense Approver.
Additionally, you have the option to submit multiple Expense Sheets at once before clicking "Submit and Approve."
This will bring you to the Submitting Expense Sheet for Approval modal.
Before submitting, you have the option to leave a comment for your assigned Expense Approver in the comment box.
Additionally, you can use the "Email CC" field to notify others of the submission, even if they are not users in your ClickTime account.
You also have the option to receive email notifications when your Expense Sheet has been approved and/or paid.
Once you are ready, click "Submit." A success message will confirm that your Expense Sheet has been submitted for approval, and your Expense Approver will receive a notification to review it.
If you return to the My Expenses page, you will see the list of all your Expense Sheets with their Approval Statuses.
Open: This status indicates that the Expense Sheet has not yet been submitted. You can still make edits to an open Expense Sheet.
Waiting for Approval: This status indicates that the Expense Sheet has been submitted for approval but has not yet been approved or rejected by the approver. The Expense Sheet is locked and cannot be edited during this time.
Approved: This status indicates that the Expense Sheet has been approved by the approver but has not yet been paid. The Expense Sheet is locked and cannot be edited.
Approved & Paid: This status indicates that the Expense Sheet has been approved and paid, marking it as complete. The Expense Sheet is locked and cannot be edited.
Rejected: This status indicates that the Expense Sheet was rejected by the approver. You can edit and resubmit a rejected Expense Sheet.
You can always filter your list of Expense Sheets by status by selecting the status tiles in the upper left corner of the My Expenses page. These tiles show the counts of your Expense Sheets in each status, and the sum of the Total amounts of those sheets.
You can find more filtering options by clicking the "Filters" button. Here, you can filter by multiple Expense Sheet statuses, as well as various time statuses, including specific date ranges.
If you submit an Expense Sheet for approval and then need to make edits, you can easily do so. Change the filter to locate Expense Sheets that are "Waiting for Approval." Check the box next to the relevant Expense Sheet and then click "Undo Submission."
The Expense Approver can also choose to reject the Expense Sheet, changing its status to "Rejected," which makes it editable again. For more information on rejecting Expense Sheets, please refer to this guide.
Editing an Existing Expense Sheet or Expense Item
If you realize you need to make a change to an existing Expense Sheet or Expense Item, you can do so as long as the Expense Sheet is "open" or "rejected". Please see above for more information on how to unsubmit an Expense Sheet.
Your Expense Sheet Approver can also "reject" the Expense Sheet to allow additional edits. More information on rejecting Expense Sheets can be found here.
To edit an Expense Sheet, go to the Expense Sheets row, click the 3 dot menu actions button, and select "Edit Expense Sheet".
After you've made your changes, click "Save".
To edit a specific Expense Item, expand the Expense Sheet by clicking on the row, and click the pencil icon:
After making your changes you can click "Update" at the bottom-right on the panel.
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