ClickTime allows you to determine that an employee's timesheet is classified as "incomplete" if less than a certain number of hours have been entered. This guide will cover the different settings, the effect they have, and how to find employees who have not been entering enough hours to be considered "complete".
Setting the Incomplete Time Entry Settings
Effects of the Incomplete Time Entry Settings
Using the Incomplete Time Entry Options
Monitoring Completeness
Setting the Incomplete Time Entry Settings
Each employee can be set up with an Incomplete Time Entry rule on their Person Details page:
You can set a default setting for all new employees you add to the system from the Company --> Preferences page, which can then be changed on a person-by-person basis (more information on Person Defaults settings can be found here):
The rule can be set to a certain number of hours "per day" or "per week".
Please Note that if you choose "per day", the the system will evaluate time for weekdays (Monday through Friday). At this time we are not able to allow you to specify that certain weekdays should not be evaluated, or that weekends (Saturday or Sunday) should be included. If you would like hours from Saturday or Sunday to be included in the counts, please choose the "per week" requirement.
If you use our Timesheet Approvals Module, you can also choose to prevent an employee from submitting a timesheet if they have not entered the minimum hours required for the time period. Employees who have this option checked must log the minimum number of hours before their timesheet can be submitted.
Effects of the Incomplete Time Entry Settings
When an incomplete time entry rule is in place, the system will look at the total number of hours entered by the employee and determine if the timesheet is complete or not.
As mentioned above, if you use the "per day" setting, ClickTime will evaluate each Monday through Friday and make sure the minimum number of hours have been entered. If you use the "per week" setting, ClickTime will evaluate the total number of hours logged for each calendar week. NOTE: organizations using a semimionthly or monthly timesheet model, will not see the completion icon (below) on the submission panel.
The system will consider both worked hours, as well as time off, when calculating the number of hours for the time period.
For those using our Approvals Module, the additional "prevent employees from submitting time" setting can make sure that someone has entered the minimum number of hours required before allowing them to submit their timesheet to their approver. If they have not, they will get an error message when they try to submit.
Employees can see their incomplete timesheet rule at the top-left of their Timesheet View page.
Incomplete timesheets will also have the hours highlighted in red within the Timesheet - they can scroll their mouse over the hours to see more details.
Using the Incomplete Time Entry Options
There are a few different ways the Incomplete Time Entry rules can be used:
Timesheet Review
Automated Notifications
When viewing the Company --> Timesheets page, ClickTime will show you if the timesheet is considered complete or not using a red X for incomplete or a green check for complete in the "Complete" column. Those employees who are not evaluated for completeness will not have any icons in the column.
Please note: Organizations on a monthly or semi-monthly timesheet model will only see "Complete" icons on the Company --> Timesheets page for those users who have a daily time entry requirement. ClickTime is not designed to evaluate completeness for the calendar week when your timesheet model is set to monthly or semi-monthly.
Just as the employees can see their incomplete timesheet rule and see any situations where the timesheet is incomplete, the approver can do the same by clicking the "Details" pencil icon to view the timesheet.
This will display the Timesheet View page for that employee:
Please Note: ClickTime will only allow you to load timesheets that fall within an employee's Start/End Dates (which is set on the Person Details page for each employee). If you try to load a timesheet that includes days outside of the employee's Start/End Dates, you will see the following error:
If you'd like to remind your staff that a timesheet is incomplete, check the box next to any incomplete timesheets from the Company --> Timesheets page, and then use the "Send Email" option to let the user know that their timesheet is not complete.
They can then select the appropriate email template and send.
The next section of this guide covers how to set those notifications up to automatically be sent.
We also have the ability to send automated notifications. To learn more please see this article.
There are several different methods to view which employees have incomplete time in the system and to manually notify them to update their timesheets.
Time Entry Completion can be accessed from the Company --> Timesheets page:
as well as using the "Full Report" text from the "Time Entry Completion" Dashboard panel:
When you open the Time Entry Completion screen, the page will automatically show you time from the last 30 days for employees that you are set to approve Timesheets for. If you are not configured to approve Timesheets, the page will show you all employees:
Use the different options in the "Filter" to change between views. You can filter by date range, specific People, Approvers, Divisions, and Employment Types. You'll also be able to switch between employees with a "Daily" time entry setting and a "Weekly" time entry setting.
Please note that the Daily and Weekly toggle will only appear if you have employees in your list with a "per day" AND "per week" incomplete entry rule set under their Person Details page.
Completeness status is indicated as follows:
- Daily and Weekly completion is marked with a green checkmark when the number of hours entered match the number of hours expected.
- Hours for Days and Weeks that exceed the completion requirement are show in green, with the exact number of hours entered shown.
- Incomplete hours for Days and Weeks are highlighted in red. If the cell if red and blank, then no hours are entered.
Click into any of these boxes to jump to the employee's timesheet directly (in override mode), so that you can review or edit the entries.
You can notify staff to let them know they have incomplete timesheets by checking individual people, or by checking all complete, all incomplete, or all people in the grid. Then, click "Notify" to configure the email.
The email will contain more information on which timesheets or days are incomplete:
This report can also be set up to display on your Dashboard and report on just the employees you are interested in. If you do not see it, click the "Add Panel" at the top right of the Company --> Dashboard page and choose the "Time Entry Completion" report.
The panel will be added, and you can click the "gear" icon to specify if you are looking for this month or last month, as well as which employees you'd like to be included. There is an option to set it so it evaluates all those employees who submit their timesheets to you, or choose specific employees regardless of their timesheet approver:
The monthly grid will show you the percentage of completion and you can scroll your mouse over to see how that percentage translates into employees:
To see the results in more detail (and use the notify options) click the "Full Report" link.
This will bring you straight to the Time Entry Completion page (explained in the previous section).
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