The Company --> Dashboard page is the default landing spot for Administrators and Managers. On this page you can create a customizable dashboard by adding, removing, and rearranging the panels you are most interested in, as well as set specific criteria for each of the reports in your panel.
Dashboard Alerts
Managing Dashboard Panels
Types of Panels
Alerts are displayed along the top of the Dashboard for easy-access.
The following alerts may be displayed:
- Incompatible browser: ClickTime will inform you if the browser you are using is not supported - click the alert for more details. Please see here for a list of supported browsers.
- Timesheet Approval: ClickTime will let you know if there are timesheets specifically waiting for your approval. Clicking this link will take you to the Company --> Timesheets page and display those timesheets for which you are the Default Approver. Please see here for assistance with Approving Timesheets.
- Rejected Timesheets: If any of your timesheets were submitted but have since been rejected, this link will display the number of timesheets that require edits before being re-submitted.
- Expense Sheet Approval: ClickTime will let you know if there are Expense Sheets that have been submitted and are waiting for your approval. Clicking this link will take you to the Expense Sheet Review and display those Expense Sheets that require your approval. Please see here for assistance with the Expenses Module.
- Approved Expense Sheets: If you are set as the Administrator who marks approved Expense Sheets as paid, this alert will let you know how many approved Expense Sheets should be paid. Clicking this link will take you to the Expense Sheet Review and display those Expense Sheets that are approved but not yet paid.
- Rejected Expense Sheets: If any of your Expense Sheets were submitted and have been rejected, this message will display the number of Expense Sheets that require edits before being re-submitted.
- Project Approval: If you are the Project Manager and staff have submitted timesheets containing hours for a Project requiring your approval, clicking this link will take you to the Project Approvals tab of the Company --> Timesheets page so you can review those time entries. Please see here for assistance with Project Approvals workflow.
The Company --> Dashboard page can be customized, allowing you to Add, Remove, Move, and Rename panels to meet your needs. We support up to 9 panels for your Dashboard (multiple versions of the same panel are accepted).
You can add additional panels to your company dashboard by clicking the "Add" button in the top right-hand corner of the company dashboard page.
Panels can be removed from the company dashboard by clicking the "gear" icon in the upper right corner of the panel and clicking "Remove Panel."
Panels can be rearranged and moved across the company dashboard. To move a panel, simply click on the move button in the upper left corner and drag the panel to your desired location.
In addition to these options, clicking the "gear" icon for any panels that report on time worked will allow you to change the name of the panel if you'd like:
Click the links below to learn more about each type of Dashboard Panel:
Time Entry Completion
Billable Hours
Recent Timesheet Status
Projects to Watch
Budgets to Watch
Hours Worked in Last 7 Days by Client
The Time Entry Completion panel displays the percentage of active people who have met their daily or weekly minimum hour requirements.
You can use the gear icon to change the people who this panel reports on, as well as the "Full Report" option to run the Incomplete Time Entry report for those employees.
More information about setting up and using the Incomplete Time Entry options can be found in this guide.
The billable hours panel displays the percentage of employee billable and non-billable hours for the specified month.
You can toggle between the current and previous month, specify which employees to include in the report, and export and save the chart as an image by clicking on the menu drop-down button, located in the upper right corner.
In order for Managers to see this panel, they must have permission to "Run Reports" and "View Billing Rates".
The Recent Timesheet Status panel provides an at-a-glance overview of the last two timesheets for employees.
By default this will be set to those employees who you are set to review/approve. You can change the employees using the "gear" icon. Clicking the "Full Report" link will load the Company --> Timesheets page for the employees who you review.
Access to this report requires having the Timesheet Approvals features available to your account. More information on Timesheet Approvals can found in this guide. More information on Project Approvals can be found in this guide.
The "Projects to Watch" panel will be available if your organization uses our Project Estimation (also known as "Basic Estimation") or Resource Management features.
If you are using Project Estimation, your Managers will need to have the ability to "Add and Edit Projects" in order to see the panel. If you are using Resource Management, your Managers will need to have the ability to "View Resource Management".
Estimated hours will display in gray - as your employees log time towards Projects, the bar will turn green to show you how close to the estimate you are getting. If there is no gray, that means that all estimated time has been worked for the Project. The bar will then turn red if the worked hours goes over the estimate (or if time was worked on Project that does not have an estimate).
You can modify the settings using the "gear" icon. By default the bars will sort by "Most Worked %" and will show "This Month". Multiple versions of this panel can be set up to report on different Projects (or to compare different months).
If you scroll your mouse over a bar, you'll see a pop-up that gives you move details on the estimated hours, number of hours worked so far, and the difference between the two of them. Resource Management users who use the "See in Worksheet" option will be brought to the Resource Management grid, filtered to just that Project.
Only Projects with an estimate or allocated hours for the month will display and each panel can show up to 10 Projects at a time.
The "Budgets to Watch" panel is available for organizations using our Resource Management tool and will be accessible to Administrators or Managers with permission to access the Resource Management grid.
Similar to the "Projects to Watch" panel, the potential budget will be in gray. As your team works, progress towards the budget will be noted in green. When the Project is over budget for the month, additional billings will be displayed in red.
This panel can be configured to display specific Projects, and will by default sort by the "Highest Budget". Click the "gear" icon to change the sort order/month/Projects to display.
The "Full Report" link will generate the Resource Management Budget Summary Report for those specified Projects and the month you've chosen. This report can also be accessed from the Resource Management page in the "Reports" menu:
as well as from the Company --> Reports page in the Projects section of the page.
Only Projects with a monthly budget (for the month you've specified) will be displayed in the panel. Each panel can display up to 10 Projects at a time. Multiple versions of this panel can be set up to monitor different budgets or months.
Hours Worked in Last 7 Days by Client
This panel will be available to all Administrators and Managers who have permission to "run reports". It will show you the number of hours logged in the last 7 days for your top 5 Clients and calculate all other hours as "Other". This panel will only report on worked time and not time off.
If you scroll your mouse over one of the columns you'll see more details about how many hours were logged to which Client for the day, as well as the percentage of hours for each Client on that day.
Click the "gear" icon to change which people are included in this report.
The "Full Report" link will generate the "People: Project and Task Summary" report for the last 7 days (this report can also be accessed from the Company --> Reports page in the "People" section).
The reports panel displays will display any reports you've marked as a "Favorite", as well as provide links to any saved Report Builder or Customizable Data Exports you've created.
If you haven't made any reports a "Favorite" yet, the panel will suggest some of the most popular reports.
The news panel displays the latest news from ClickTime. This panel is updated with important information regarding ClickTime functionality and feature updates.
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