ClickTime’s Overtime features are designed to do the complex calculations of Overtime rules for Administrators, and to create actionable insights into overtime worked by employees.
This article covers how to set up Overtime Configuration and apply it to in situations where you have a weekly or bi-weekly timesheet model. This feature does require that you are are using our Timesheet Approvals workflow.
If you have a semi-monthly timesheet model, please review this article and then go to our Overtime for Semi-Monthly Timesheets Help Center article here for more details on that feature (released August 2021).
Changing Overtime Rules
Time Off in Overtime Calculation
Logging Overtime
Approving Overtime
Overtime Rules are applied to Employment Types in ClickTime. You will be able to select or create an Overtime Rule for each Employment Type, as needed.
To configure your company's Overtime Rules, navigate to the Company --> People page, and click the link for Employment Types.
From this page, click the pencil icon to access the Employment Type Detail Page.
Under the Overtime Configuration heading on the resulting page, click "Configure Overtime Rules."
You will be taken to the Employment Detail page in the "Overtime Configuration" tab. To add a new Overtime Rule, or to edit an existing one, click "Edit Section."
The Overtime Configuration page offers the following basic functions:
- Set the Status of the Overtime Rule(s) for this Employment Type (Active or Inactive)
- Add a Note about the Overtime Rule(s) for this Employment Type
- Select and configure Overtime Rule(s)
- Choose from the Preset Overtime Rules, or create a custom rule
- Define the number of hours per day or per week that constitutes "overtime"
- Define the rate of pay for hours worked beyond the threshold
- Define one Pay Code for each multiplier
Preset rules assist with easy configuration for both the Federal and California Overtime Rules. Please consult with your legal or HR advisor to ensure compliance with company policies and local regulations.
The Federal Overtime Rule
The California Overtime Rule
Custom Rules
7th Day Consecutive Rules
Pay Codes
The Federal Overtime Rule states that hours worked beyond "full time" are to be paid at the rate of 1.5x base pay. ClickTime offers a Preset Overtime Rule to cover this basic requirement.
California overtime rules build on the Federal Rule, and add provisions for daily limits, as well as "7th consecutive day rules." According to California law, the following rules must be observed in a way that most benefits the employee.
- Hours in excess of 8 per day are paid at 1.5x the rate of base pay
- Hours in excess of 12 per day are paid at the rate of 2x base pay
- Hours in excess of 40 per week are paid at the rate of 1.5x base pay
- After 6 consecutive days, all work up to 8 hours must be paid at the rate of 1.5x base pay
- After 6 consecutive days, work in excess of 8 hours must be paid at the rate of 2.0x base pay
In addition to the preset rules, ClickTime offers the ability to create custom Overtime Rules by choosing hours per day or week, multiplier(s), and Pay code(s). We recommend consulting your legal or HR advisor when configuring custom rules.
You may choose to create a custom rule from scratch, or start from one of the preset rules. Editing any part of a preset rule will cause it to become a "custom" rule.
A note about the 7th Consecutive Day Rule
7th consecutive day rules are available to custom rules that use multipliers from the California Rule. If you would like to edit the multipliers in the California Rule to create a custom rule, you will first need to delete both components of the 7th consecutive day rule.
Each pay code can be associated with one multiplier, and vice versa. As you can see in the image below, all rules calculated at 1.5x are assigned OT1, regardless of whether they apply to the day, the week, or the 7th consecutive day.
If you attempted to change the 40 hour a week rule to Paycode OT3, for example, you would see the following message in red:
If you'd like to modify a pre-set overtime rule, you will need to first select the rule and then save those changes. The system will show you this when activating a new rule:
Click "Update" to save the new rule. Then click "Edit Section" and you will have the option to edit the options you've set up, or to delete rules from the configuration:
Then click "Update" to save your new rule(s).
Including Time off in Overtime Calculation
The current version of the Overtime feature applies only to worked time. ClickTime is aware that some organizations would like include time off when calculating an employee's overtime for timesheet. Depending on interest, ClickTime may offer this option in a future release. If you'd like to provide feedback about this possible option, please contact
Overtime Rules do not impact the time entry workflow. Employees should log the time that they work - if they time entries they create match the Overtime rules created by an Admin, those time entries will be classifed as that Overtime time upon Approval of the timesheet.
To provide an accurate record of time worked, ClickTime records all hours reported by time trackers.
To enforce company policies regarding overtime, Admins and managers retain the option to reject, and/or override Timesheets.
When a person submits a timesheet, their timesheet approver is notified by email and in-app notifications. This process is the same when a person submits a timesheet that includes overtime. Please be aware that employees may need to submit your time from the Timesheet View page if your organization is using Overtime.
To review timesheets, follow the link provided in the notification, or navigate to the Company Tab--> Timesheets. Click the pencil icon in the "Details" column of any submitted timesheet to see more information about that submission.
To call attention to the presence of overtime on a submitted timesheet, the Total Hours will be highlighted when Overtime is present. Hovering over this highlighted number will alert you that Overtime may apply:
From this point, Timesheet approvers can review, message employees about, approve, reject, and/or override Timesheets.
Please note: If the Overtime Configuration was not set up or active when a timesheet was approved, it will not calculate Overtime. If you need to calculate Overtime for an approved timesheet, it must first be rejected or returned to a "Waiting for Approval" state, and then re-approved before the hours will be classified as Overtime in reports.
Once a timesheet that includes overtime is approved, it will be available in reports. To provide greater insight into the kind of Overtime present on approved Timesheets, ClickTime provides two reports, which are available to users with the correct reporting permissions. Both reports can be found on the Company--> Reports tab, under "People."
Timesheet Overtime by Person
Overtime Export for Payroll
The Timesheet Overtime by Person can be run for a specified date range, for all people, selected people, or for people in specific divisions or Employment Types. The Report includes only approved Timesheets that include Overtime.
The report shows:
- The name of the employee who recorded time
- Their Division
- Their Worked hours
- Their Time Off hours
- Their total hours
- The total hours of overtime as defined by their Employment Type's Overtime Rule(s)
- The name of the person who approved the timesheet
- Totals for all hours of time worked, time off, and overtime for the selected range
This report can be viewed onscreen, or exported in a variety of formats. For more information on report formats, see here.
The Overtime export can be run for a specified date range, for all people, selected people, or for people in specific divisions or Employment Types.
The report includes only approved Timesheets that include Overtime, and shows:
- The name of the person who submitted hours
- A description of each kind of time worked
- The total of regular worked time in hours
- The total hours of Overtime, broken out by pay code
This report exports as an Excel file. Additional options for this export include the ability to:
- Mark exported Timesheets with a label of your choosing
- Exclude marked Timesheets from, or include them in, subsequent exports
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