ClickTime's Slack integration will allow you to quickly log hours from ClickTime within Slack without having to use your phone or go to the ClickTime application. Before you can use the integration, you'll need to make sure the Application is available in your Workspace, and that you've authenticated your Slack account with ClickTime. You can read more about how to do so here.
Read on for assistance logging your ClickTime hours within Slack:
Deleting Time Entries
Viewing your Weekly Summary
Changing Your Slack Status
Requesting Help
Eligibility for the ClickTime Slack Integration
To add hours for the current day, click the Today button.
This will display a pop-up where you can select your Project and Task:
Note that the 'Project' menu also displays the 'Client' for each project, eliminating the need to initially select a 'Client'.
Next, enter the number of hours you spent on the project/task, add a note if necessary, and press submit to send this time entry to ClickTime.
You will see a success message in the Messages tab, which will include the total hours entered for today.
To add hours to the previous day, select the "Yesterday" button in the App Home, then follow the same steps.
If you want to select any other day to add time, select the calendar date picker that reads “Select a date”:
Follow the same steps to record time for any day on an "open" timesheet.
You have the option to switch to the "Recent Time Entry View". This view offers a quick way to save time to a recently used time entry combination.
With the "Recent Time Entry View", you won't have to manually select the Client/Project or Task for each new entry. Instead, the drop-down menu will display any time entry options that you've used in the past 7 days.
You can always switch back to the Standard Time Entry View whenever you'd like.
The ClickTime Slack integration has been designed so that in addition to the ClickTime Application Home, you can also enter time from any Slack Channel. This can be done using Slash Commands, which will prompt the time entry workflows.
To do so, start a command in any channel by typing “/ct”, and you will see a suggestion box with some available commands.
For example, by typing “/ct today” and tapping "enter", the time entry popup will appear in that channel and you will be able to submit your entry just as you would from the ClickTime App Home.
The Slash Commands (and "success" messages that appear after saving an entry) will not be visible in the other channels, as they are marked "Only visible to you".
For reference, you can use the following Slash Commands for time entry:
- /ct time - tracks time to any day on your timesheet
- /ct recent - tracks time to any day using recent time entries' Projects or Tasks
- /ct today - enters hours for today
- /ct yesterday or /ct yest - enter hours for yesterday
Tip: If you add the number of hours at the end of any time entry command, that will also fill in the hours field:
Please note that any entry you put into the system will be rounded up or down according to your organization's preferences.
If you would like to delete a time entry, navigate to the bottom of the ClickTime App Home, and press “Delete a Time Entry”.
From the Messages tab, you can select the day you would like to delete time from.
A pop-up will open with the 9 most recent entries from that day. Check the boxes of entries you would like to delete, and press Delete.
You can also access this pop-up by using the Slash Command “/ct delete” in any channel.
These messages will only be visible to you when using Slash Commands in a channel.
In order to achieve accurate time tracking, it is important to know what work you have already entered. That’s why we’ve created a Weekly Time Summary, which displays your week at a glance.
From the App Home, you’ll be able to view the daily hour totals for the current week. This includes all worked time, time off, and Company Holidays.
If you have a daily time requirement, a green check mark will be displayed next to each day where you have entered the requisite number of hours. For instance, if you have an 8-hour per day completeness requirement, it would appear in this way:
A weekly hour requirement, (for example, 40 hours per week) would display like this:
If you want to add hours to a certain day from the Weekly Summary, click the “Add Hours” button to start the time entry process:
If you want to see your Weekly Summary for last week, click “Show Me Last Week” at the bottom of the summary.
You can then click “Show Me This Week” to return to the current week.
This Weekly Summary can be displayed in any Slack channel you are working by typing /ct week.
The Weekly Summary will only be visible to you - no other channel member will be able to see this summary.
Slack is a great way to collaborate with your teammates and share what you’re working on. ClickTime’s integration was designed to allow you to quickly update your Slack Status indicating you are working on a ClickTime Project/Task, which can assist with transparency and efficiency.
To do so, go to the bottom of your App Home and click the “Set Slack Status” button.
In the Messages tab, you can then choose a Project or Task to select from your ClickTime options.
Some examples of a ClickTime Status could include:
- Working on Website Launch
- Working on Event Planning
- Working on Social Media
This status will be viewable by all members of your Slack Workspace.
You can also set your Slack Status from any Slack channel using the slash command “/ct status”.
When using the Slash Commands, the messages will only be visible to you.
In any Slack channel, you can enter “/ct help” to get a full list of ClickTime’s Slash Commands.
These options will only be visible to you, as no other channel member will be able to see your ClickTime messages.
If for any reason you'd like to stop using the ClickTime Slack Integration, you can revoke your user authentication from the ClickTime app whenever needed. To do so, go to the "About" tab, select Settings, and scroll down to your Name.
Click the "trashcan" icon to the right to revoke authentication.
You can click on the App to restart the authentication process at any time as long as the ClickTime Slack Integration is still available from your Slack Workspace.
Eligibility for the ClickTime Slack Integration
Certain ClickTime customers are not compatible to use the Slack integration. These accounts are not supported:
- DCAA Companies
- Companies with Sub-jobs
- Users who have not yet consented to GDPR
- Custom SSO Required accounts (Google SSO is supported)
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