Adding filters to your reports allows you to define parameters for your data, and also to adjust those parameters on the fly when running the report. Using the right filters allows you to generate reports that show exactly the data you need.
A Note About Filters
How to Add Filters
Filter Options
Data That Can Be Used to Create Filters
Advanced Topics
We strongly suggest adding filters as your first step when building reports. This is especially true of date range filters, which we recommend setting to no more than the past 90 days while building your report. You can always increase the time period after the report is set up the way you'd like.
Putting a date limit on reports when designing them does two things: it ensures a faster loading time for your preview image, and lets you manipulate your data more efficiently. Without date filters, the report will pull all of the data for all time-- which can amount to a tremendous amount of data, more than you would need to interact with in most reports. You can always adjust your filters to capture more historical data when running your reports.
If you want to run a data export style report, we suggest using ClickTime’s Customizable Data Export.
You can add a filter by dragging the name of the data you want from to use into the filter section of the design interface:
Additionally, you can use the "+" icon to select multiple filters from the available options.
This will open a pop-up where you can check the box for each filter you want to add.
"Entry Date" is a very common filter to use so we will use this as an example.
Note: You will be prompted to apply your filter each time you add or update your filter selections and configurations. Data you see in the report preview will not reflect your filters until you apply your changes.
Applying the Filter will not be necessary until the Filter has been configured, which we'll go over next.
To see the options for your filter, click on the area around the Field Name (in darker color) to expand the Filter Properties box to reveal options.
Depending on the format of your filter, you may see different options.
In this case, we're going to select the "Between Date" option:
which will let us set the Start and End Date for the report we're creating.
This has been set to search for data between Jan 1 and Sept 30, 2020. After setting up the filter, you can click anywhere else in the report to close the window.
Remember to click the "Apply Filter" text in order for your settings to be applied.
Note: When using the "TimeEntryDate" option, and selecting "In Time Period", you will be able to choose a specific time period without setting dates. Please be aware that the "Calendar Week" section will correspond to the calendar week (Saturday - Friday), regardless of the day of the week your timesheet period starts on.
In addition to the basic criteria, you can also surface some advanced options by clicking the Filter field and then the "gear" icon:
This will show you a popup that includes additional Filter settings in addition to the Operator setting you've already configured.
The Filter Settings will allow you to do the following:
- Select the filter to be visible or not at runtime
- Select the filter to be required or not
- A required filter will require the end-user to enter filter values in order to run it
- Select the filter to be cascading or not
- A cascading filter will constrain the available values in other filters behind it
- Choose sort order for filter values
- Pick unsorted, ascending or descending by repeatedly clicking the icon
- Select the filter condition.
To remove a filter, click the field and then the "trashcan" icon:
Please note the filter criteria will not actually be removed until clicking "Apply Filter".
Data That Can Be Used To Create Filters
The following data can be used to create filters:
ClientActiveStatus | LeaveTypeName |
ClientName | LeaveTypeStatus |
ClientNumber | PersonActiveStatus |
ClientShortName | PersonEmailAddress |
DivisionActiveStatus | PersonEmploymentType |
DivisionName |
PersonFullName |
JobActiveStatus |
PersonRole |
JobName |
TaskActiveStatus |
JobNumber | TaskCode |
JobProjectManager |
TaskName |
IsTimeOff |
TimeEntryDate |
IsWorkedTime |
TimeEntryIsBillable |
LeaveCategory |
Apply Cross Filtering to Multiple Report Parts
Building Complex Filter Logic
Apply Cross Filtering to Multiple Report Parts
Cross filtering allows user to drill up and drill down data in multiple report parts together. For each drilling action from users, it will filter related report parts automatically. Cross filtering is initialized on charts, gauges, or maps which have more than one x-axis field as the drill down feature of these items is what triggers the cross filtering functionality for all other report parts.
Specifically, cross-filtering will be useful if you have multiple report parts, and at least one of those Report Parts allows for a drill-down action.
If you'd like to learn more about using multiple report parts or cross-filtering those reports, please contact your Customer Success Manager, or our Support Team, and we will be happy to assist further.
In some cases, a simple match-all filter is not enough. More nuanced and complex criteria require building out filter logic. BI&A will support the ability to create multiple filters and then tell the system which of those filters you'd like to combine or apply.
For example, I could add a filter to find all data entered by the "Graphic Design" Division, and for any Projects with the word "Website" in the name. I'd also like to include hours worked by employee Brianna Rudd on any Projects with the word "Magazine" in the name.
I'm going to add the "TimeEntryDate" filter to find everything for this year. Then I will set up a Division filter in the following method:
When using the "Equals (Selection)" options, you'll be able to select from a drop-down menu to include the options you want to include. You can use this for a single option, or for multiple options:
Then I will use the "String" option on the ProjectName filter and select "Like", then type in "Website".
Next, I've set a PersonName filter for Brianna, and a ProjectName filter that includes "Magazine".
Note that your filters are numbered 1 - 5.
I can now set up rules to indicate I want to combine my Entry Date rule with both the Division/Project Name filter, as well as combine it with the Person/Project Name filter:
The result is all the data in my time period where people in the "Graphic Design" Division worked on a "Website" Project, OR all the time entries for just Briana Rudd when working on a "Magazine" Project.
If you are having issues entering multiple filters, please feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager, or our Support Team, and we can assist further.
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