ClickTime's Mobile Application allows you to enter Time Off requests for Approval Required Leave Types, track them through the approvals process, and view your Leave Type balances all from your mobile device. Additionally, managers who approve time off can review requests waiting for their approval, and approve or reject them directly from the mobile app.
Please note that you will need to be able to access our Time Off Management features (available to Team and above Plans) and also have access to at least 1 "Approval Required" Leave Type in ClickTime to access the Time Off request form on our mobile app. To discuss adding Time Off Management to your account, please reach out to ClickTime Support.
You can download the Mobile Application here:
Google Play Store - Android Devices
App Store - iPhones
Accessing Time Off Request Form
Requesting Time Off
Managing Your Time Off
Accessing Time Off Request Form
To request time off using ClickTime’s mobile app, the first thing you’ll need to do is access the form. This can be done via 1 of 3 methods:
Sidebar Menu: The first and simplest method of opening the request form is to open the menu by clicking the 3 lines located in the top left hand corner of the application. * One of the options you will see in the menu will be “Time Off.” To open the form, you may simply click the “+” icon next to Time Off.
Time Off Management Page: You may also open the time off request form by pressing the “Add Time Off” button in the upper right hand corner of the Time Off Management Page. To access this page, simply click the “Time Off” section of the sidebar menu.
To learn more about the Time Off Management page, please see the “Managing your Time Off” section below.
New Entry: Lastly, you can enter into the Time Off Request form by clicking the “New Entry” button from the Mobile App’s home screen. Once in this view, click over to the Time Off tab, then select a Leave Type. If you select an approval required Leave Type, the Time Off Request form will automatically open on your mobile device.
Once you’ve opened the Time Off Request Form, you can go ahead and begin entering the information regarding your request. There are 3 required fields for every time off request:
- Leave Type
- Date(s) of the request
- Hours Requested
Once you’ve specified the above three values, simply press the “Submit Time Off Request” and your Time Off will be submitted for approval!
We'll go over each option in more detail as well:
Leave Types: To select a Leave Type, simply click into the “Leave Type” field and choose from the list of Approval Required leave types you have access to.
Date Range: To select the date, or dates, for your Time Off request, click the Pencil icon in the far right of the “Date(s)” field. This will prompt a calendar view from which you can select the date range for which you will be taking time off. To do this, simply click on the start and end dates for your time off request, then press continue. Please note that dates with existing time off requests or company holidays will have an orange indicator beneath them.
Hours: Once you’ve selected the date range for your request, the next step is to select the hours of time off per day. To do this, click into the “Hours” field in the Required Information section. This will prompt a calendar view in which you will be able to see how many hours of time off are scheduled for each day.
By default, each weekday included in your time off request will auto populate with 8 hours of time off for that day. Each weekend day will default to 0 hours. To edit an individual day’s hours, simply click on that day in the calendar strip, and a keypad will be prompted on your mobile device, enabling you to edit the hours for that day.
Balance: Upon selecting a Leave Type for your time off request, the “Balance” field will automatically populate with your current balance for the Leave Type selected above.
Clicking into the Balance field will open the “Balance Information” window, displaying the current and future balances (after leave) for the selected Leave Type. NOTE: at this time, ClickTime only displays Time Off balances for (Approval Required) Leave Types.
Approver: The “Approver” field displays the user in your organization to which the time off request will be sent to for approval. Please note that this field is not editable.
Notes: You may submit a note containing up to 2000 characters to accompany your time off request. The note will be viewable by your approver when they review your request.
To view and manage both future and past Time Off entries, simply open the sidebar and click on the “Time Off” section, next to the Airplane Icon. This will bring you to the Time Off Management page, which is split into two tabs: “Planned” & Request History.”
In the Planned Tab you will find all upcoming Time Off Requests, including those filed for the current date. Each upcoming Time Off entry displayed on the Planned tab displays the following information:
- Date of the request
- Leave type
- Total hours
- Approval status
To view a specific request in detail, simply click on the Time Off request from the Planned Tab. From this view you cannot edit the entry, but you may cancel the request if it is eligible. In order to cancel a request, it must not yet be approved, belong to an open timesheet, and be set for a future date.
Upcoming Company Holidays will also be displayed in the “Planned” time off tab as well. To learn more about company holidays in ClickTime, click here. When viewing your time off in the “Planned” time off tab, you may view the current balances for all Approval Required Leave Types available to you by clicking the “Leave Type Balances” section at the bottom of the form.
To view past Time Off request information, simply click into the “Request History” tab present on the Time Off Management page. Again, each past Time Off entry displayed on the Request History tab displays the following information:
- Date of the request
- Leave Type
- Total hours
- Approval status
To view the details of a specific request, simply click on the request. From here you will be able to view, but not edit, the details of a specific request.
Please note that only Time Off requests from the past year will be displayed on the Request History tab. Additionally, past Company Holidays will be displayed in the Request History tab as well.
As a Time Off approver in ClickTime, you are able to review your employees’ Time Off requests directly from your mobile device. If you would like to learn more about Time Off management in ClickTime, please see our help documentation.
To get started, simply navigate to the Approvals page by opening the sidebar and clicking on the “Approvals” section. This section shows Timesheets and Time Off requests that are ready for your approval, depending on your configuration as an approver in ClickTime. To see the Time Off tab in the Approvals page, you must be a specific user’s designated time off approver, or the default approver for at least one Approval Required Leave Type.
Once in the Time Off tab of the Approvals page, you can view the Time Off requests waiting for your approval. Each time off request displayed contains the following information
- Name of the Time Off requester
- Date range of the request
- Total Hours requested
- Leave Type
To view the specific details for the request, including the note left upon submission, simply click on the arrow on the far right hand side of the request. You can either approve, or reject, the request directly from the list view, or by clicking into the request details.
Once you’ve clicked either “Approve” or “Reject,” you will be brought to a confirmation screen in which you can leave a note to the Time Off request before approving or rejecting the request.
Please note that when rejecting a request you are required to enter a note upon rejection.
As always, do not hesitate to contact ClickTime Support with any questions you might have.
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