ClickTime offers more than 60 out-of-the-box reports that are available to ALL ClickTime accounts. That's dozens of ways to aggregate, summarize, and display data to help you better understand your staff and how they are spending their time!
Finding the Report You Need
Using the Report Criteria Options
Printing Reports in Chrome
To access the Reports, first go to the Company --> Reports page:
You'll see two tabs in the middle of the page, Favorite Reports, and Browse All Reports. We'll discuss Favorites in the next section.
The Reports are organized by the method you use to search them. Click on the headers to expand the options to see all the possible reports. For example, if you click "People," you will see 18 reports, all of which can be run by the Person who entered time. If you were to click on "Client," you would see all the reports that can be run based on the Client that time was logged to, etc.
After expanding the options, you can then click on the name of a Report to see a preview of how the report is formatted. This is useful to find the report that is most helpful for your needs. Use the arrows to move through the various reports for each section:
Then click on "Run Report" to go to the Report Criteria page.
The names of the Reports can help you find the Report you are looking for as well. Here are some tips:
- Reports that show you all the time entries in the time period, line by line, will have the word Detail in their name
- Reports that show you totals of hours/billing amounts/etc. will typically have the word Summary in their name
- Reports will also tell you which fields they include. The name should indicate if the Report displays the Client, Project, Task used, as well as whether Billing Rates or Costs are included
Using the Report Criteria Page
Once you have selected the report you are looking for, you'll be brought to the Report Criteria Page. This is where you indicate which data you'd like to include in the report:
Criteria options will differ slightly report-to-report, but typically your options will include:
- Title of the Report. You can change the name if you'd like something else to display when searching for / generating the report.
- Format you'd like the report in. We typically support HTML (which displays the report in your browser and allows you to download the report in a specific format), Excel, and PDF files.
- Date range of the report. We have several options that will allow you to select month/quarter/year to date, as well as a specific date range.
- The time entries you are interested in. This is often used to find only locked/approved time entries, or all time entries regardless of status.
- There may be other options, depending on the report you run.
After these selections, you can then choose to limit the report to the Person who entered the time, the Client and/or Project the time was logged to, or the Task used.
You may also see options to show/hide inactive People/Clients/Projects. If you choose to "show inactive," inactive Clients/Projects/etc. will show in grey:
When running the report by Client, you will also see the option to "only include active Projects." Checking this box will mean that the report only shows time entries associated with Projects that are currently active.
Please Note: By Default, we support up to a combination of 10,000 clients and Jobs/Projects to be listed in filter options. We can accommodate accounts with more than 10,000 Clients and Jobs/Projects via customization through our Enterprise account package.
After making your selections, you are ready to run the Report. If you'd like to change the name, do so by entering the new name into the Title field:
If you wish to add this report to your list of Favorites, check the "one of my favorites" box before running:
Favorite Reports will show up in the "Favorite" section of your Reports page.
Please note, this function only saves the Report so it is easy to find the next time. ClickTime will not remember the People/Client/Project/Task selected when you last ran the report.
If you selected "HTML" as the output option, the report will open in your browser and allow you to navigate through the report. You can then export the Report in the format of your choice:
If you selected "PDF" or "Excel," your browser settings will determine whether the file opens automatically in the browser or is downloaded to your computer. Please check your local settings or with your IT Support contact for assistance with those options.
Depending on the report, you may be brought to a download page. We recommend right-clicking the link and choose to save the file to your computer (as opposed to opening directly from the web).
Chrome users will have two methods to create a pdf version of their report.
First, you can select the "PDF" formatting option on the Report Criteria page:
Alternatively, if you choose to create a report in the HTML format, you can choose to export the report as a pdf file:
The "print" icon available in other browsers is no longer supported in Chrome, so you will not see that option when viewing your report in Chrome.
The "print" icon should still display in other supported browsers (Firefox, Safari, Edge) and will generate a pdf file that you can view/download.
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